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I'm available for work


Quick way to check what I'm up to these days.

Where am I?

I'm based in Tampa Bay, FL, enjoying the sunshine and the tech scene here.

What I'm working on currently?

  1. Pursuing my Google Machine Learning Engineer certificate to deepen my expertise in AI.
  2. Developing AI-powered applications that transform the rental industry.

I am available for:

  • Freelancing opportunities
  • Full-time positions as an AI engineer
  • Content collaboration

Am I available for freelance work/employment/co-founding/gardening?

Yes, I am currently available for both freelancing opportunities and full-time positions in AI engineering. I'm passionate about working on innovative projects that push the boundaries of technology.

How do I decide about a project if it sounds exciting?

I follow the "Hell yeah! or No" principle.

This page was inspired by Derek Sivers. It works as a public declaration and a reminder to myself.